Goals and Time Estimates:
Print new full size designs (~2 hours)
Refine bulb mounting method (~4 hours)
Interview experts for user testing (~2 hours)
Progress and Actual Time:
I have finally completed a final print of my project. I had one print fail last week when the bottom layers became detached from the base plate of the 3d printer, but this was solved by using a smaller layer height for the first few layers of the print. This new design has a 'stem' at the top of the lamp that is just large enough to fit a light bulb through to the center of the light, and has a rounded cavity inside to ensure that the plastic is far enough away from the light to prevent overheating and melting the PLA plastic.
With this final design, I was able to reach out to experts for user testing. The findings from this will be detailed more thoroughly in my user testing blog post. But I had a great conversation with David Craige, a lighting designer based in Telluride, CO. Overall he really liked the design, but had some suggestions to make in terms of the mounting system and overall practical considerations like fire safety regulations. I currently have a second 3d printed piece which is inserted inside the top of the stem that the lightbulb socket screws into. This raised a few concerns for him, as this plastic piece could potentially melt, even with a very energy efficient led bulb. He suggested using insulating dowels of either aluminum or heat restistant plastic to bridge across between the PLA cover and the light socket itself.